Christina Aguilera Voice is Pure Sex.

Written by on February 19, 2012
Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

So, this kick ass new(ish) song, “Moves Like Jagger” by Maroon 5, is stuck in my damn head. But the sleeper hit part of this tune is Christina Aguilera's voice.
Christina Aguilera Alma Awards Pasadena CA 2000 | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online
Now, I don’t pretend to be a music reviewer, I just like what I like, but Christina Aguilera is the best thing that ever happened to Maroon 5, and, somehow they for her.
Because, something’s….well…different. Her voice… my gawd, just dripping sex. For Moves Like Jagger, She ditched all that ridiculous, I-can’t-decide-what-note-to-sing shit, and the purity left is just sultry groans and little grunts slathered with a layer of hoarse bedroom sleepiness. (Like the morning after screaming my name all night long, I’d like to think.)

Now admittedly I've had a special hot throbbing place for Christina (my heart , my heart, you pervs) since one of her first public appearances in 2000.
No one knew who she was back then; Genie In A Bottle wasn’t even out yet. And yeah, later she did goofy shit with her hair, but back then little Aguilera was just so f'in hot. Christina Aguilera Fuzzy Hair | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online Barely, freshly-minted, 18yrs old, still all natural, regular long, blonde hair, she sang at the Alma Awards in Pasadena. We spoke briefly before she went on to perform....Ok, so she just said excuse me so I would get my ass out of her way, but still I've been her slave ever since…

Oh, and the Maroon 5 guys do a nice job too. Hey, Christina... Head to toe baby… runnin’ right. More please. (Call me!)

Have a listen. (I recommend headphones.)


Our Favorites of Christina

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online

Christina Aguilera | Maroon 5 | Moves Like Jagger | Bliss Magazine Online


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